Premium brands such as Chanel, Whistles and The White Company are welcoming visitors to browse and shop new season styles, cosmetics, gifts, homeware, technology and more. Click & collect services, personal shopping experiences and one-on-one consultations are also available.
For gift inspirations, visit:
Fortnum and Mason – the store to pick up a bespoke luxury hamper to enhance the gift pile under the tree. Prices start from £60 and the wicker wonders can be made to order in store.
The White Company – stop by to collect a timeless and sophisticated delicate gift set for the home-loving friend or relative.
Jo Malone – explore the store’s selection of unique and refreshing scent notes brought to life in sophisticated candles and unisex perfumes. Guests visiting can also use the stores one-to-one fragrance matching service.
Hamleys – step into the station’s toy treasure chest where you can find a festive favourite from electronics to stuffed toys to keep the kids entertained throughout the holiday.
MAC – a stellar store for beauty buffs with gift packages both under £30 and £50.
CHANEL – timeless sophistication, so pick up a bottle of something fabulous like Chanel No 5.
Hatchards – It may be one of the oldest bookshops in Europe, but the time-honoured store is home to a plethora of the most-loved new and old fiction and non-fiction page turners. One of the firm favourites this year is Barack Obama’s A Promised Land.
Whistles – Book in your personal shopping experience at Whistles and find the perfect zoom Christmas party outfit in store today.
Kate Spade – Known for their eye-popping colour and graphical prints, Kate Spade offers a wide selection of handbags, leather accessories and jewellery.
Shoppers can also meet up to six friends and loved ones from different households for meals or refreshments at a selection of the station's open air restaurants and cafes.
For the coffee lover, the station is home to a selection of grab- and-go style cafes – check out the premium scotch eggs -and for those looking for something sweet to end their day, there is rosy paradise EL&N. In homage to the station’s 34-ft wonderland-themed carousel complete with Insta photo moments and ribbons galore full of messages from NHS and healthcare workers, EL&N have launched a pink Tree of Hope cake from which 10 per cent of all sales will go to supporting food poverty charity FareShare.
Wendy Spinks, commercial director, St Pancras’s operator HS1 Ltd, says:
“The pandemic will undoubtedly change the way we shop in the short term at least, but I sincerely hope that the days of leisurely browsing in stores are not over. Shopping is a pastime that has been enjoyed by many for a long time and browsing fosters ideas, inspiration, and helps understand choice and style.
“Although we know Christmas will look and feel a little different this year, we know how much our visitors enjoy our festive shopping experience that can only be found within bricks and mortar retail. All of our retail partners and station colleagues are working hard in maintaining the government guidance and hope that all our visitors do too.”
For more information visit