Christmas puddings are still keeping our taste buds alight too , past predictions that sponge affairs and desserts would sweep it off the table got it wrong, with two-thirds of people this year planning to serve one they have bought or made themselves. In a dire year we turned to making our own dough and bread, with pizza ovens and bread making machines proving top sellers along with food saving and storage. Young bakers took to the kitchen as never before.
Survey figures suggest this means that the UK’s home cooks are likely to have made up to 936 million loaves of bread in their own kitchens during the past six months – very nearly one billion cobs, baguettes or farmhouse loaves.
Justified concern about food waste has brought freezing in from the cold, and greener too now with reuseable freezer bags.
Eco-awareness is not so much a revolution but a fixture today. Lakeland’s results show people aren’t just keen to continue recycling, reusing and reducing – they want to go further.
Eco-alternatives considered niche in the past such as using reusable wax wrappers rather than cling film and eco-friendly cleaning products are on the rise.
Most consumers are very keen to do their bit to help the planet and the environment but say it is sometimes hard to do so.
Improving their health, finances, cleaning their home and batch cooking are top of people’s New Year agendas.
Candles, aromatherapy oils and SAD lamps are all set to do well. But the big star could well be compostable cling film. Lakeland’s can go on the garden heap and disappear in 12 months.
With the continued interest in more eco-friendly cleaning solutions, take the rapid rise in demand for sanitising sprays, Lakeland also predicts its H2O eActivator Cleaning System will be a winner.
The innovative technology allows you to make hypochlorous acid, a sanitiser which is proven to kill viruses including Coronavirus, with only water, salt and white vinegar. And as you use the same bottle each time you make the solution, there’s no plastic waste.
Commenting on the insights Lakeland chief executive Steve Knights said: “We’ve explored how lockdown led to many people discovering a new love of baking, the emergence of the well-being trend, the continued rise in demand for eco-friendly products (including Christmas crackers!), and much more.”